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1) How does the SKINAGIN™ skin restoration and skin tightening technology work?

The proprietary SKINAGIN™ non-invasive, electrical surface skin stimulation technology under the direction of a Medical Director in applicable states, draws collagen to the surface while creating a tightening effect on surface skin. The results are long-lasting and natural-looking without using injections, risky muscle relaxants or distorting fillers. Below the surface in the epidermis, the SKINAGIN™ stimulation process “motivates” collagen and elastin to move towards the surface. The SKINAGIN™ process does not puncture surface skin. It super-stimulates and attracts collagen and elastin to return to treated areas, offering rejuvenated support for the skin above the epidermis. As the collagen and elastic are drawn through the epidermis, the external appearance is enhanced with immediate, visible results in most cases, restoring the skin’s appearance and elasticity to an earlier age. The skin continues to improve during the skin restoration process and beyond, as collagen continues to repair and restore the epidermis.

2) What is the average skin restoration time?

Restoration begins immediately. The process of surface skin treatment recovery is completed over approximately 5 to 7 days, depending on the person. Dry surface skin created by the process can create skin flakes that fall away in a few days. In some cases, skin may become temporarily red or pink. Normal pigment color returns in just a few days. Excessive sun exposure and alcohol consumption must be avoided for a period before and after the treatment. Post-treatment and continued skin maintenance programs should be followed using SKINAGIN™ proprietary products specifically designed for treatment restoration and ongoing maintenance.


3) Are SKINAGIN products required for pre-treatment by the client?

The SKINAGIN™ program begins with pre-treatment by the client of the targeted areas using recommended SKINAGIN™ products. The pre-treatment program prepares designated areas to be more responsive to treatment and expedites the rejuvenation process.


4) How long do the results last?

SKINGIN™ treatments do not diminish or fade away as with injections and Botox. However, long-term results depend on the skin’s health and post-treatment levels of exposure to various external factors. Following initial treatment, restored collagen and elastin act 'normally', meaning, the skin begins to age as if the skin were at an earlier life stage. 90-year-old skin will retain restored collagen differently than 40-year-old skin, but all ages benefit from the treatment and are restored to a more youthful appearance.

5) What are the potential risks?
SKINAGIN™ treatments are non-invasive and only treat the surface skin, unlike plastic surgery which cuts through the epidermis into the dermis layers of the skin, exposing the body to potential infections and requiring surgical closure and extended healing time. SKINAGIN™ after-care includes surface treatment products to expedite complete surface restoration during the extremely short restoration process. Treated areas of the body that can be irritated by contact with clothing require light bandages or surface protection during the first few days. Exposure to excessive sunlight and drinking alcohol is discouraged during the restoration process to prevent possible hyperpigmentation. Although hyperpigmentation is temporary, prevention is recommended.  

6) What body areas can be treated?
In addition to the full face and neck areas, spots on hands, and the more “common” beauty target areas, SKINAGIN™ can highly affect and improve areas of arms, such as above the elbow, underarm ‘bat wings’, inner thighs, buttocks, stomach, even groin areas. There is no limit to areas able to be improved by treatment since collagen supports skin over the entire body.  

7) How much skin-tightening is possible and how long does it take to see results?
Most results are dramatic and are visible immediately and following the healing 5-7 day restoration process. Tightening continues over a period as collagen migrates to the affected areas. Results vary depending on the condition of the skin and the level of treatments introduced. The percentage of 'lift' or effect is determined primarily by the available amount of collagen, the general condition of the person, their overall health, amount of damage to the skin, hydration levels, and their ability to heal. SKINAGIN™ tightening results are very dramatic in most cases but remain natural-looking since no surgical process of pulling, cutting, or stretching collagen-deficient skin is involved. SKINAGIN™ offers rapid, long-lasting, natural, safe results for beauty enhancement, collagen rejuvenation, and skin restoration.

8) How are SKINAGIN™ treatments different from other skin-tightening treatments?
Injectables and injection filler processes, muscle relaxants like Botox (toxin), Laser, Radio Frequency, Ultrasound, Implants, and Facial Surgeries are inferior to SKINAGIN™ technology. Ultrasound and Radio Frequency treatments target only bulky dermis areas with only short-term, temporary results.  While collagen is part of every organ in our bodies, especially skin, sending sound waves deep into the dermis or below has the potential for harmful or unknown effects, which is why these treatments have limits and time restrictions. Collagen responds quickly and is highly reactive to SKINAGIN™ treatments, unlike Ultrasound and Radio Frequency treatments, which are clearly stated to take weeks or months to see results. These modalities claim they migrate collagen to the outer layer of the epidermis from the deep, internal layers of the dermis. If that were true, the skin-tightening result would be immediate.

SKINAGIN™ technologies attract collagen differently and do not penetrate the dermis, so it is NOT unpredictably risky to surrounding internal structures. SKINAGIN™ treats all areas of the face, and many parts of the body. It is not limited to the fleshier areas targeted by Ultrasound treatments. Laser treatments scar collagen to make it withdraw and tighten the skin temporarily. The second Laser treatment to the same area has no collagen to scar since it scarred it the first time, destroying it. So, improving results in the same areas that were formerly laser-treated is futile in most cases. Muscle relaxants like Botox (tox stands for toxin) are mostly used to relax a muscle on the face causing a wrinkle. Why put a dangerous toxin of any kind in your body? Especially a muscle relaxant!  The last time we checked, our hearts are a muscle and relaxing that muscle could drastically affect your health. What the FDA clears as “safe to use” is amazing, but also ridiculous and irresponsible. The market is flooded with pharmaceuticals, advertising a drug that can clear up your skin, but can cause catastrophic organ damage and even death in some cases. And these are the guys we rely on to keep us safe! SKINAGIN™ technologies are safe and focused on the health and safety of all our clients. Our standards are tougher than any agency in the world. 

9) What is the average cost for a facial skin-tightening treatment and restoration?
The facial treatment areas and costs are as follows: The average cost is $1,000.00 for each facial treatment area: 
Forehead, Eyelids,  Eye Bags and Crow's Feet, Nasolabial area, Jowls, Upper Lip, Neck.  While many people require only one treatment, depending on the amount of accessible collagen in your face, some cases may require additional treatments. Additional treatment fees can be waived on a case-by-case basis. See the Cost Comparison chart below. 

10) Can I have additional SKINAGIN™ restoration treatments?
Yes. As the skin begins the normal aging process following treatment or if additional area treatments are desired or recommended, areas can be re-treated or treated in a gradient process over a period. For example, if a particularly loose area is being treated, such as with extreme weight loss, a gradient treatment program may be indicated. During the initial consultation, the recommended processes and targeted results are discussed with the client to produce a natural, beneficial result. Unlike plastic surgery and fillers or other processes that can create an unnatural effect, our proprietary technology to restore collagen remains natural-looking with no scarring from incisions.  

11) Does it cause permanent pigment discoloration?
No. The SKINAGIN™ process does not affect the pigment of the skin. While collagen is drawn to the surface, this has no permanent effect on pigment levels. Immediately following treatment, the skin is lighter where the surface has been treated. Then pigment returns. However, not following recommended post-care instructions to avoid excessive exposure to sunlight or any use of alcohol may cause temporary hyper-pigmentation which can be corrected but should be avoided.  

12) Is there any bleeding associated with the SKINAGIN™ process?
No. There is no part of the process which penetrates the skin's surface. The treated skin area will get red temporarily and, in some cases, it will get a little inflamed for a short time. For some people, the skin will get crisp and flake off naturally over a few days. The skin returns to its normal color in just a few days after that. 

13) Does it require surgical anesthesia, or anything administered intravenously? 

No. A pre-treatment program using SKINAGIN™ products, designed specifically for the SKINAGIN™ treatment, is applied. Prior to the treatment, an anesthetic surface ointment is applied. This numbs and conditions surface skin in preparation for the treatment. 

14) Can I put on makeup right away?
During the first few days, post-treatment products can be applied but no makeup or coverage products should be used. After the skin is fully cured, light makeup can be applied. Astringent-based products should not be used until the skin's surface is fully cured. SKINAGIN™ cleansing and maintenance products are recommended prior to and following treatment.  

15) Can anyone have SKINAGIN™ restoration technologies treatments?
Yes, based on medical compliance (not suitable for patients with any kind of electrical device like a pacemaker).  An initial examination will identify collagen levels and problem areas. Even elderly persons can benefit from SKINAGIN™ treatments to improve the appearance of the skin. They are great candidates for brow and upper eyelid tightening, to help them eliminate weighty skin folds that impinge on vision and cause strain. You must consult with your physician prior to treatment.

16) Can any skin color respond to the procedures?
Yes. Unlike most cosmetic procedures or surgeries that are unable to be used on heavily pigmented skin, SKINAGIN™ treatments are safe to use on all skin types and pigment levels.  

17) Can people with psoriasis, eczema, or other inflammatory conditions be treated?
While these conditions are active, SKINAGIN treatments should not be applied. Since most of these conditions affect only certain parts of the body, unaffected areas can be treated. In most cases, areas normally affected can be treated during periods of inactivity. Collagen stimulation does not aggravate these conditions, but treatment should be discussed with a medical doctor before a determination is made. All SKINAGIN™ treatment centers have a licensed Medical Director.  

18) Will I have continued access to SKINAGIN™ products?
Yes. SKINAGIN™ has developed a unique line of proprietary pretreatment, post-treatment, and maintenance products designed specifically in conjunction with our procedures, ideal to continue improving the condition of the skin. An after-treatment consultation will outline a maintenance program, as well as second-stage pretreatment for additional and ongoing treatments. SKINAGIN™ products, including health and wellness products, will be available in our treatment centers, online, and in cooperation with designated SKINAGIN™ product retailers. 

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